It's a Wrap...

Happy Friday! This week has been so stormy and gross in San Francisco- but I must admit, I love the excuse to stay inside and hunker down. I make the compost cookies earlier this week and am looking forward to wrapping them up for my friends...not sure what they will think of the Reeses, Raisinets, Peanut Butter M&Ms, malt balls, pretzel and Frito's mix (do you think I went a little overboard? the cashier at Walgreens looked at me as if I was a total slob.)

One of my favorite things about baking is the packaging. Here are some of my latest packaging finds this week...spotted on You are my Fave.
look how sweet the little transparent sticker dots make this card. Thanks to Tokketok for sharing.

The polka dot stickers were bought over at the Etsy, Romantic Pink store. Love this store- check out these great finds: 
I showed these to my mom because I thought she would love them...but she made sure to let me know that know that the french words on the packaging make no sense...oh well, still cute!
scalloped tags


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